Saturday, May 9, 2009

New feeback link and twitter

We now have a link for feedback under "myaccount". That was rather a simple addition to the site that for one or another reason we did not have until now.

Have already received notes from our students and wanted to thank them publicly for their opinion. I am committed to work on all your feedback. We want to direct our project to where you (our users) want for us to go.So please feel free to let us know your thoughts on our website, our method of teaching, our tutors or anything else you would like to comment on.

We will be adding very soon more feedback links around the site, specially in pages like the Spanish DELE Test Exam and the Spanish online page. I do believe those two pages serve a really good purpose and I would love to hear your take on them. So we make the better ;-).

On another unrelated story, our twitter project is happing thanks to the of our Spanish tutor Dary Angel. Under her supervision we are now posting daily items on twitter. Make sure to follow so you are update with our latest Spanish of the day section and you get our random propotional coupons. This is our twitter page:

Sunday, April 26, 2009 and Social Networking Sites

So we have decided to push our message around the web a little bit more. Starting this week, we are embracing Twitter, Facebook and myspace (kind of late entry here but better late than never).

The twitter phenomenon seems to actually fit very good our goal of helping people to learn Spanish Online. We hope to do daily updates with our "Spanish of the day" section. Means that as soon as we update our site with new exercises, we would let you know on twitter, so you can come to our site and "consume" your Spanish of the day (verb, saying and article). - as usual with the audio of one of our native Spanish tutors.

So checkout our new initiatives here:

myspace ( TBA)